
Tuesday, April 12, 2011


It seems one of the more traditional ways to celebrate National Poetry Month is by taking part in a Poem-a-Day challenge. Writer's Digest hosts a PAD challenge on their blog that offers the convenience of daily prompts and some level of camaraderie. I write at a much slower pace - currently I have a backlog that need me to put pen to paper - and have not been able to keep up.

Rather, I've been exploring what chapbooks I can get my hands on. Two are sitting on my desk right now, half thumbed-through, waiting to be finished. Top on my list is why is my lemon tea red by Jeff Fleming, the editor of nibble magazine - someone who, if I hadn't corresponded with him a few times, I would suspect has entirely lost the ability to capitalize. That frightens me, an obsessive devotee of the shift-key. Next chap down is less on my desk than my desktop. David McLean's puppies and monks and medieval memories has a clean, manuscript feel to its layout. I opted for the free, .pdf version of it available from Heavy Hands Ink.

I intend to share the reviews here as they form. Until then, I'm still looking for other chapbooks to sink my teeth into. My next major project will be collecting and organizing material for a chapbook of my own to submit.

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